Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Handmade goodness! These 2 skirts are for sale. Handmade with great quality cotton fabric. contact me at

Thanks! Be well!

Abby White

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Many of things-

Had a party on the 19th of September- been trying to have it for a year! It was a great time-We had it spread between 2 houses, and parking at another. Neighbors, friends, and children all merry, with drink and food in hand! Canopies set up for the rain (but the rain held out until 1 am) and by that time none of us cared. Pulled Bbq pork, and covered dishes, camp fire, dessert and some of that clear mountain juice, along with a port a jon. Lanterns, candles, and white Christmas lights gave a lovely low energy, peaceful atmosphere. and then the next morning- I felt fine- but man we had a little mess! Thankfully my friends are Eco conscious and put bottles and cans in the right place. My cousin came to visit from out of town and missed the fun, but he saw the after mass- It was a down pour and I wasn't going to be in the rain to clean it. He didn't mind though- he came kicked his feet up and took some deep breaths, very much needed for him. It was good to see Preston, it had been awhile and he was in a great mood, after visiting his lovely girl. I have sold my Jeep (it only took 23 hours in the walmart parking lot) and we now have a Forester. I believe Mat's Parents are bringing it to us, and I plan on driving to IN on the 21 of October. I need to see my grandma and Family, and Amanda and Pete. I have been wanting to come home for about 3 months now and hope that I get to do such soon. I have a few skirts made and need to post them on here and other places. I'm going to the ASU game today I'm going to get soaked but I love going to the football games here! and I have a change of clothes for afterwards.! GO ASU!! then it is home to see Purdue play- Well I will probably be up loading negatives instead of watching the game- be well

Sunday, September 6, 2009

On Saturday a lovely day with my "little sister" and then some football, drinks, reggae, then to an amazing party! this place was like afairy tale! I really wish I had my camera to take photos- there is no way I can describe it. candles and lanterns EVERYWHERE! hanging in the trees, lining every walk way you could possibly think of, out door kitchen, yurt, lovely tapestries everywhere, a powder room -outside- several shelter areas, wee ones running around, banjo, guitar, violin, banjo circle, bonfires, the energy was amazing- and so pleasantly quiet- the closest feeling I have had to complete bliss since the Hostel in the Forest!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bought some lovely lovely bright fun fabric last night!! so excited to work on the next skirts, I really need to get photos up so I can sell the ones i have complete. I also have my eye on a skirt pattern I'm ready to dive into, first I have to buy it :). My sewing machine is getting a little rough and I really need a new one- I want a Berina SO SO SO bad - but they run $800 and above- the one I would be able to have for life and live on is $1800!! payments are 150 a month- thats a new car! I think thats going to just stay a dream! next I need to start working on christmas gifts! already? yes yes sewing takes time!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Got my chrome (E6) film back today! I have sewing tonight, and a busy weekend- I can't wait to have a moment to do some scanning and break out my daylab!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Music on the mountaintop!!

YAHOO! It is tomorrow- The entire month of August has been for the Music on the Mountaintop- It all started last year- One guy Jimmy Hunt had a senior project at ASU to make a business plan- he did his paperwork and turned it in and instead of putting it in a folder somewhere and forgetting about it - he did it - Mat and I do the parking- we get other volunteers and direct traffic. The Festival is not just about the Music- It is about living green- solar and wind energy- land conservancy - it is beautiful thing! this is year number 2 and it is going to continue year after year- He made the "greenest" festival!- topped Rothbury and ofcourse Bonaroo- Head line band is Sam Bush- But again it isn't the Music it is about the land we call Mother Earth!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Almost 4 years later

I do beleive it is time- I am looking into going back to school. I have a few ideas of what I want to study - I just really need to research which one I want to do for the rest of my life. The parts that scare me about it is the papers I will have to write, ( I'm not very good at doing such), no time to sew or work on my photos, and no time in life. I will have to keep a full time job to pay bills, and go to school full time if I want student aid. But I think if I really want this then I can handle it. wish me well!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I went to Asheville this weekend- I got new glasses and Rx sunglasses- I was stopped by two different shop owners- one down town and one in the mall and tlod me how much they loved my dasiy skirt- thank you I said - I made it- they both gave me contact info and told me to get in touch with them with my new skirts- for them to sell in their store! I also dropped off about 7 rolls of film to be developed that I have shot over the last 4 years- I heart Asheville-

Friday, July 31, 2009

one by one

“ We can catch buses and count our change and cross the roads and talk real sentences. But our innocence goes awfully deep, and our discreditable secret is that we don’t know anything at all, and our horrid inner secret is that we don’t care that we don’t. — Dylan Thomas

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"the only way of full knowledge lies in the act of love; this act transcends thought, it transcends words. It is the daring plunge into the experience of union. To love somebody is not just a strong feeling- it is a decision, it is a judgement, it is a promise."- Erich Fromm If the Budda Dated. I'm figuring out my path slowly- Converted Bus style down by the river!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wee little man, and my monkey Ady

UGGG, So much is going on. I partly blame the eclipse of July 7th combined with my birthday. I feel like I am in the book "a series of unfortunate events". Went to Rochester, MN, the city is well community oriented, but the town is very strange- everything seemed to be so spread out. Anyway My nephew is very cute, he has a little grumpy old man face when he sleeps, and he snores a little. Ady stuck to me like glue the first few days I was there, and mom took me for a surprise pedi! Come Saturday afternoon I was ready to leave or go sit at a bar somewhere. But instead I Ran and I walked (a Lot) according to my phone I walked 8 miles, ran 2.5 miles. Once I got back to NC Mat and I enjoyed a bit of Asheville, then off to home.... aaahhh it is nice to be home. I am very thankful for my time I was able to spend with Ady and Owen, but somethings never change, and I am just going to have to except that. Mat and I are getting ready to go camping and hiking for the first time all year, I'm very excited about that - it is not like us to wait this long to get out there this time of year. We both are in major need of it before we completely lose it. I don't really have much more to say.... I need to sew, I have a few custom orders I'm waiting for checks on, and I have a skirt I really need to finish. I just need to get motivated.

Monday, June 29, 2009

June 26 2009 weekend...

It has been a ruff few days. I won't get into it, but I will say I'm thankful for amazing friends for pulling me through! I can't wait to leave and go visit family and get away! I have been running often I just haven't posted anything. I have been running about 2.5 miles stopping and in between the 2 miles to breath. I found my self at price lake on Saturday but I didn't run it was too crowded, then on Sunday I went to Bass Lake and ran there. I was drawn to large bodies of water this weekend, I suppose to calm my soul. not much more to say, have a good week!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I forgot just how beautiful Boone is in the summer! the weather is amazing right now - perfect in fact- I want to be outside hiking, not behind this desk! :( Everything is GREEN and clear! I ran just a mile on Friday, I had to much other stuff going on. On Saturday Mat, Travis and I went to Hickory to watch the Crawdads (baseball game), they are in the same division as the Sandknats in Savannah that we would go see. On Sunday we had our Sunday dinner just 4 of us and had pork and chicken, straight from our garden salad, sweet potato mash, and Broccoli (also from our garden), and we had smores!! The only exciting news going on right now is my Nephew Owen being born on Friday! I can't wait to visit in 2 wks!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Daily Mile

I ran the full 2 miles! I had to stop and walk for 2 min between the 2- b/c of my Asthma, but even then I only used my inhaler 3 times (start, middle, end) instead of the 5 times I have been needing it! It felt Great!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

SEW _ Beautiful!

Blanket for Owen!
Blanket for my boss's grandbaby
Don't they just make you gigle?

Monday, June 15, 2009

SUNDAY dinner

Ahh The adventures of Zion-vages (as my neighbor says). We eat GOOD on Sundays at my house! It has became a tradition for friends (some times a lot, some times 1 or 2) to come over and eat drink and be marry on Sundays. This Sunday we had a veal roast on the grill, baked beans, roasted potatoes, and strawberries. It was extremely tasty! We then went to the top of our mountain and watched the sun go down, and played Frisbee until it got dark, and Mat broke a rib diving after it!! Well I don't know if he broke it but maybe bruised it! BUT HE CAUGHT the FRISBEE! HA We then went down to the house and sat around the bon fire until 3am! I never stay up that late!! EVER- But it was fun! On Saturday I crashed a 5k! I went to the Greenway trail to run and little did I know a marathon was going on! so here I am right in the middle of it - OOPS- it wasn't blocked off - or anything big - I just joined in! but I only ran 3 miles. It felt good. I sewed Sunday afternoon too! I made the cutest Owl to put on a skirt! you will have to wait for the skirt to be done before you see the owl but it should be done this week. I also finished 2 baby blankets - I will put pictures up tomorrow.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lantern in the Half Night Sky In case you didn't know Mat has a new book out "Lantern in the Half Night Sky" and "Sucking on the Fat of Life" Is now on Amazon

Boppy boppy BoPpY

The Boppy covers are all finished and will be in the mail Friday! Liddia all I request is you take pictures of them on the pillow, so i can post them for my sewing! Next on the list 2 baby blankets, surprise for Ady, and skirts and more skirts!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Time to push!

Yesterday after work I went to the gym and got on the treadmill - I ran/ walked 2 miles, I did 2-3 min run and 1- min. walks... I need to push myself to run the full thing and to get out on a trail. A friend here at work has been wanting to go trail running together, but I'm not ready to keep up with him! I could not imagine being Pete right now- getting ready for the 50 mile marathon this weekend! Good luck Pete!! I'm sooo sore but it really is a good sore! When I came home last night our friend Travis and his son was at the house and Mat was at work. Travis showers at our house right now b/c he is camping, waiting to move in across the street from us. So anyway I come in and he is doing my dishes I let pile up from a gathering we had at our house this weekend. We cooked out on Saturday - didn't get dishes dirty then, but that next morning I fixed breakfast for all and so they piled up (some things never change). I was very happy that I didn't have to do them last night! I didn't get to sew last night :( b/c my table is downstairs and I didn't get Mat or Travis to get back up stairs for me - BUT I will sew tonight! I'm on the deadline for Owen to arrive the clock is ticking!! Are you in labor yet Liddia? you need to wait awhile longer for me! :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We shall see how this goes...

I enjoy watching my sister's blog and keeping up to date with her family and figure I should try this too. Living away from so many family and friends I think it should help keep them up to date on my very interesting life:)! I also sew like crazy and should keep things posted on here so myself and others can watch it progress. Along with my running and spinning... I want to be able to go back and see were I was when I started and where I am later down the road. So here we are. I did run last night not sure how far, but it was down hill and straight, I had to walk coming back. I will run up hill one day.... when ... well it maybe a while! I just started running 2 weeks ago, I have always been nervous about it- self conscious if you will- b/c I have athletic induced ashama. I have always let it get the best of me, but now I'm out to fight it!! and so far so good! But since I have been running I haven't gone to spinn class... but maybe I will pick it back up we shall see!