Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We shall see how this goes...

I enjoy watching my sister's blog and keeping up to date with her family and figure I should try this too. Living away from so many family and friends I think it should help keep them up to date on my very interesting life:)! I also sew like crazy and should keep things posted on here so myself and others can watch it progress. Along with my running and spinning... I want to be able to go back and see were I was when I started and where I am later down the road. So here we are. I did run last night not sure how far, but it was down hill and straight, I had to walk coming back. I will run up hill one day.... when ... well it maybe a while! I just started running 2 weeks ago, I have always been nervous about it- self conscious if you will- b/c I have athletic induced ashama. I have always let it get the best of me, but now I'm out to fight it!! and so far so good! But since I have been running I haven't gone to spinn class... but maybe I will pick it back up we shall see!

1 comment:

  1. Very good....now I have two blog spots to check
    Love you both
