Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My forever love.... my hostel!

I have been waiting patiently to get some land and to form MY HOSTEL. A piece of property fell into my lap recently, and Mat and I went to look at it last night. It is perfect, the location, the layout, the fruit trees, and the cabin (unfinished, perfect). I know this will take A LOT of work, patience, time,and MORE WORK, however I feel I just can't let it pass me by. I am going to go out with the Realtor tomorrow to walk the grounds, ask questions, get answers, and a better feel.(as if the feeling of the land isn't amazing already). I know my mother is reading this and flipping out, but it is my dream, my love and my goal in life. I have wanted this since April 3 2005, I have been waiting, pondering, and looking for the right place ever since, and I believe I have found it. Now I know it is still not in a hands grasp, but once it is I will good a firm grip and not let go.

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